This blog was created to document our experience dealing with Bailey, our 16 year old daughter's stroke. Until September 15th, she was a perfectly healthy, active teenage girl. She is a junior in high school this year. She has a part time job, many friends and a busy social life. She is involved with the marching band, cross country skiing and the school theater group. Her class schedule reads like that of my nightmares - Honors classes, Advanced placement classes and even a "college in school" physics class. She has a smile that shows itself with the slightest of provocation. She is happy, easy going and a bit goofy. Generally, there was no reason to expect any health issues and definitely we would not ever have even thought a stroke was a possibility.

So, this is our story. I am hoping it will help others who experience this sort of misfortune to understand they are not alone. Maybe they are feeling the way we do and will take some comfort our story.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Will a sniffle ever be just a sniffle again?

After our adventures today Bailey was a bit tired.  We had plans to go to Nordstroms to look at shoes but she opted for lounging on the couch in front of the Disney Channel instead.  I knew she must be tired if she gave up the opportunity to replace the running shoes that she hates so much.

After about 10 minutes of lying down she told me that she felt like she was going to vomit and that her head hurt.  She looked a bit green around the gills at this point so I began to think that it was more then just fatigue.  I tried to calm my worries by reminding myself that I have been tired to the point of exhaustion before and it made me nauseous.  It didn't work.  The more I tried to not worry the more I worried so I called one of her nurses from Sister Kenny.  She said that as long as the headache didn't get worse and she didn't start vomiting that I didn't need to worry.  If the headache got worse or she threw up I was to take her to the E.R. right away.

It turned out to be a false alarm and was just fatigue.  After lounging for several more hours she felt much better but I am quite certain that if she ever hears me say "you OK?" again her head might explode.  I felt like she was an infant again and I was a new mom.  I just sat there and watched her.  I was so scared and nervous.

After she started feeling better I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning.  She will never have a sniffle again without me freaking out.  God forbid she ever has a fever...

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