This blog was created to document our experience dealing with Bailey, our 16 year old daughter's stroke. Until September 15th, she was a perfectly healthy, active teenage girl. She is a junior in high school this year. She has a part time job, many friends and a busy social life. She is involved with the marching band, cross country skiing and the school theater group. Her class schedule reads like that of my nightmares - Honors classes, Advanced placement classes and even a "college in school" physics class. She has a smile that shows itself with the slightest of provocation. She is happy, easy going and a bit goofy. Generally, there was no reason to expect any health issues and definitely we would not ever have even thought a stroke was a possibility.

So, this is our story. I am hoping it will help others who experience this sort of misfortune to understand they are not alone. Maybe they are feeling the way we do and will take some comfort our story.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shoe struggles

One of the more frustrating results of the stroke for Bailey is that she can no longer just throw on any old pair of shoes and go. She is now required to wear a leg brace that makes her right foot about a size bigger than her left. So far the only shoes she has that she can wear are the sneakers we bought her for PT. She hates these shoes and I don't blame her, after all she has been wearing them everyday for a month.

I had heard a few years ago that you could go to Nordstrom's and buy a pair of shoes with each one being a different size. I decided to verify this via the live online chat with one of their customer service people.

This is how it went:

Kim J: Hello Jenn, my name is Kim, and welcome to Nordstrom! I see your question: I have a 17 year old daughter who had a stroke 5 weeks ago and because of a leg brace she has to wear she now requires two different size shoes. Is it true that you will sell a pair of shoes where each shoe is a different size.

Kim J: I am sorry for this, Jenn. Yes. We do provide a Split shoe service. Could you provide the sizes that she requires?

Jenn: Her left is a nine and her right needs a 10 to fit the brace in it.

Kim J: The split shoe service is offered if the sizes are within 1.5

Jenn: They are! Can I go to the store and get the split shoe service? In order to make sure they work we have to try them on. The brace really restricts what shoes she can wear now. It is very frustrating for her!

Kim J: Yes, you are more than welcome to visit your local Nordstrom store for this service. You are also able to contact our Customer Service Line at 1.888.282.6060 to place this order. You would place an order for two pairs of shoes, one in 9 and one in 10. Once received, you would return the sizes that are not needed.

Jenn: That is fantastic. Thank you for your help!

Kim J: You are welcome, Jenn. Thank you for visiting Nordstrom today.

I have always been a huge fan of the Nordstroms shoe department and now I am even more loyal!

Thank you Nordstroms!!

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